paraview-glance 是kitware组织开源一个像vtk的最佳实践的东西,阅片的效果还不错:

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| $ git clone https://github.com/Kitware/paraview-glance.git $ cd paraview-glance/ $ npm install $ npm run build $ npm run dev
等编译好后,直接进入 就可以了

- “@girder/components”: “^2.2.4”, kitware组织自己的组件库 (Vue + Vuetify)
- “@linusborg/vue-simple-portal”: “^0.1.3”, Vue的简单门户实现,用于将槽内容挂载到另一个元素
- “itk”: “13.1.4”, 用来转换文件格式用的
- “mousetrap”: “^1.6.3”, 简单的库处理键盘快捷键
- “pug”: “^3.0.0”, 一种用于编写HTML的干净、空格敏感的模板语言
- “pug-plain-loader”: “^1.0.0”, pug的loader
- “typeface-roboto”: “0.0.75”, CSS和web字体文件,轻松地自我主机“Roboto”。
- “vtk.js”: “15.4.0”, 核心库,渲染医学影像
- “vue”: “2.6.11”, 使用了vue作为前端框架
- “vue-cli-plugin-vuetify”: “^2.0.7”, A Vue CLI 3用于安装Vuetify的插件
- “vuetify”: “2.3.4”, Vue 上面的UI库
- “vuex”: “^3.5.1”, Vuex 是一个专为 Vue.js 应用程序开发的状态管理模式。
- “webworker-promise”: “0.4.2”, 一个基于“webworkers”的 small promise
- “workbox-sw”: “2.1.2” 该
模块提供了一种极其简单的方式来启动和运行 Workbox 模块
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| /build 构建项目的配置文件 /data 项目的示例数据 /dist 构建的文件 /documentation 文档 /externals 第三方库 /itk 将会打包到生成的文件中 /node_modules 依赖库 /src 项目入口,核心 /static 静态文件,webpack会将它打包到生成的文件中 .babelrc Babel 的配置文件 .browserslistrc 配置浏览器版本,这个配置能够分享目标浏览器和nodejs版本在不同的前端工具 .editorconfig 可以帮助开发者在不同的编辑器和 IDE 之间定义和维护一致的代码风格 .eslintignore eslint 忽略规则 .eslintrc.js eslint 规则 .gitattributes github配置,用来识别语言等 .gitignore github 忽略规则 .npmignore npm打包的忽略规则 .travis.yml 自动化部署配置 CONTRIBUTING.md 如何进行贡献的说明 COPYRIGHT 版权信息 LICENSE 授权协议 package-lock.json 包管理lock package.json 包管理配置 prettier.config.js 代码格式配置 README.md yarn.lock
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| <body> <div id="root-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> const container = document.querySelector('#root-container'); const glanceInstance = Glance.createViewer(container); glanceInstance.processURLArgs(); </script> </body>
**Glance.createViewer(container) ** 这里创建Viewer
/src/app.js 下的 createViewer 方法
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| const app = new Vue({ el: container, components: { App }, store, provide: GirderProvider, vuetify: new Vuetify(girderVuetifyConfig), proxyManager, template: '<App />', });
创建了一个 vue 组件
| import App from 'paraview-glance/src/components/core/App';
🟡app 和 landing 页面的切换
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| <v-content :class="$style.appContent"> <landing v-if="landingVisible" key="if-landing" v-on:open="showFileUpload" v-on:open-urls="autoLoadRemotes" v-on:open-files="openFileList" /> <layout-view v-else key="if-landing" /> </v-content>
如果 landingVisible 为 true ,则渲染 landing 组件
如果 landingVisible 为 false,则渲染 layout-view 组件
🟡landing 模块分析
路径 src/components/core/Landing

部分template.html 代码
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| <v-flex xs12> <span class="title">Sample Data (这里是展示数据)</span> </v-flex> <v-flex v-for="(sample, i) in samples" :key="i" :xs4="$vuetify.breakpoint.mdAndUp" :xs6="$vuetify.breakpoint.sm" :xs12="$vuetify.breakpoint.xs" > <v-card :class="$style.sampleData" flat tile> <v-img :src="sample.image" height="300px" /> <div :class="$style.linkOverlay" @click.stop="openSample(sample)" > <div :class="$style.linkOverlayText" class="body-2"> {{ sample.label }} ({{ sample.size }}) <div :class="$style.description" v-if="sample.description"> {{ sample.description }} </div> <div :class="$style.acknowledgement" v-if="sample.acknowledgement"> {{ sample.acknowledgement }} </div> </div> </div> </v-card> </v-flex>
template.html 代码
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| <v-container fluid :class="$style.container"> <div :class="$style.grid" :style="{ gridTemplateRows, gridTemplateColumns }" > <div :class="$style.viewContainer" v-for="(viewType, index) in views" v-bind:key="`${index}::${viewType}`" v-show="index < visibleCount" > <vtk-view v-bind:view-type="viewType" v-bind:layout-index="index" v-bind:layout-count="visibleCount" v-bind:background-color="backgroundColors[viewType]" v-on:bg-change="setViewBackground(view, arguments[0])" /> </div> </div> </v-container>
它会循环执行,根据用户的选择来生成相应数目的 vtk-view 窗口
其中 VtkView 这个组件来自
| import VtkView from 'paraview-glance/src/components/core/VtkView';
🟡VtkView模块 (核心部分)
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| <v-layout column :class="$style.floatToolbar"> <div style="color: aliceblue;">测试</div> <v-tooltip left :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select">Reset camera</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="resetCamera()"> <v-icon>mdi-image-filter-center-focus</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip left :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select">Rotate camera left 90°</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="rollLeft()"> <v-icon>mdi-rotate-left</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip left :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select">Rotate camera right 90°</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="rollRight()"> <v-icon>mdi-rotate-right</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip left v-if="type === 'View3D'" :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select" >Reset Camera to Orientation {{orientationLabels[0]}}</span > <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="updateOrientation('x')"> {{orientationLabels[0]}} </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip left v-if="type === 'View3D'" :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select" >Reset Camera to Orientation {{orientationLabels[1]}}</span > <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="updateOrientation('y')"> {{orientationLabels[1]}} </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip left v-if="type === 'View3D'" :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select" >Reset Camera to Orientation {{orientationLabels[2]}}</span > <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn icon dark v-on="on" v-on:click="updateOrientation('z')"> {{orientationLabels[2]}} </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> </v-layout>
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| <v-layout column fill-height> <v-flex fill-height class="js-view" :class="$style.vtkView" :style="{ background: backgroundColor }" v-on:mousedown="view.activate()" /> <div v-if="isActive" :class="$style.activeView" /> <div :class="$style.toolbarWrapper"> <toolbar-sheet v-model="backgroundSheet"> <v-container grid-list-md class="mr-0"> <v-layout row> <v-spacer /> <palette-picker :size="24" :palette="palette" :value="backgroundColor" v-on:input="changeBackgroundColor" /> </v-layout> </v-container> </toolbar-sheet>
<v-toolbar dark height="45px" :class="$style.smallToolbar"> <v-select dense flat hide-details :class="$style.viewTypeSelector" :items="viewTypes" :value="viewType" @change="changeViewType" />
<v-spacer />
<v-tooltip top v-if="type === 'View3D'" :disabled="smallScreen || viewPointMenuVisible" > <template v-slot:activator="{ on: tooltip }"> <v-menu offset-y top left v-model="viewPointMenuVisible"> <template v-slot:activator="{ on: menu }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon v-on="{ ...tooltip, ...menu }" v-show="cameraViewPoints.length" :disabled="viewPointMenuVisible" > <v-icon>mdi-camera-switch</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> <v-list> <v-list-item v-for="(item, index) in cameraViewPoints" :key="index" @click="changeCameraViewPoint(item)" > <v-list-item-title>{{ item }}</v-list-item-title> </v-list-item> </v-list> </v-menu> </template> <span class="pv-no-select">Change View Point</span> </v-tooltip>
<v-tooltip top :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select">Background color</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon :disabled="backgroundSheet || !view" v-on="on" v-on:click="backgroundSheet = !backgroundSheet" > <v-icon>mdi-palette</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip top :disabled="smallScreen"> <span class="pv-no-select">Screenshot</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon v-on="on" v-on:click="screenCapture()" > <v-icon>mdi-camera-plus</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip top v-if="!smallScreen && singleViewButton" key="singleView"> <span class="pv-no-select">Single view</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon v-on="on" v-on:click="singleView(layoutIndex)" > <v-icon>mdi-fullscreen</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip top v-if="!smallScreen && flipViewButton" key="flipView"> <span class="pv-no-select">Split view</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon v-on="on" v-on:click="splitView(layoutIndex)" > <v-icon>mdi-flip-horizontal</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> <v-tooltip top v-if="!smallScreen && quadViewButton" key="quadView"> <span class="pv-no-select">Quad view</span> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-btn :class="$style.button" icon v-on="on" v-on:click="quadView(layoutIndex)" > <v-icon>mdi-widgets</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> </v-tooltip> </v-toolbar> </div> </v-layout>

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| <v-flex fill-height class="js-view" :class="$style.vtkView" :style="{ background: backgroundColor }" v-on:mousedown="view.activate()" />
这里只是设置了一个class 为 js-view的元素,它其实只提供一个底座的作用,用来产生一个DOM元素提供给VTK库进行渲染。
渲染vtk view
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| tryMountView(view) { if (this.internalViewId > -1) { const oldView = this.$proxyManager.getProxyById(this.internalViewId); this.unmountView(oldView); this.internalViewId = -1; }
if (view) { this.internalViewId = view.getProxyId(); view.setContainer(this.$el.querySelector('.js-view')); const widgetManager = view.getReferenceByName('widgetManager'); if (widgetManager) { widgetManager.setUseSvgLayer(true); if (!widgetManager.getPickingEnabled()) { widgetManager.disablePicking(); } } } },
这里 view setContainer 就是选择了上文中的DOM元素,作为一个底座